We accept the following ppo insurance plans as well as medicare
Blue Cross Blue Shield Aetna United Healthcare Humana Everyone’s plan is different. Don’t know the details? We will look them up for you to better understand your coverage. Cash patients are allowed the appropriate time of service discount with respect to the law. What is a copay? Copay is the amount you owe at the […]
Back pain when i get out of bed what is spinal stability?
“Once I get moving it seems to be okay, but when I first go to get up the pain is awful.” This is an immediate flag for me when investigating the cause of a patient’s low back pain. You don’t feel great when standing or sitting, but its much easier to maneuver around compared to […]
Autoimmunity & functional medicine
Autoimmunity has become a popular diagnosis in the past few years, but most doctors still don’t quite understand what it means. Autoimmunity is not just a single “disease” and shouldn’t be used as a blanket diagnosis when we can’t narrow down anything else. In fact, autoimmunity is a necessary and benign process that we need […]
Libertyville’s Family Chiropractic
The modern family needs modern health care solutions, so Cross-Up Chiro created a Family Chiropractor center that helps them heal faster and feel ready for whatever life throws their way. The Complete Family Chiropractic Experience We are The Complete Chiropractic Experience that incorporates muscular release therapies and rehab with adjustments to enhance performance and fast […]
How can a chiropractor help you?
People are increasingly asking How Can a Chiropractor Help You? The answer may surprise you: In many more ways than you may think! That’s why Cross-up Chiro shares the possibilities with you. The development of the Chiropractic profession has come such a long way of the past 10 years. We have seen this massive expansion of practice […]
Shoulder Pain with Raising Pulling
This is a frequent flyer at our office. Patients come in with a reasonable fear that an operation for their shoulder pain is imminent. News Flash! It’s not. I hear rotator cuff tear thrown around quite a bit, as if it’s a looming structure that just fails one day. In actuality, it’s a combination of muscles […]
The mental management of life & pain
I’d like to share with you some wisdom I have learned from the great Stoic Philosopher, Marcus Aurelius. His “Meditations,” as they were posthumously named, can be very helpful at teaching how to control your perception & mental management in a way that will benefit your health, relationships, character, and pursuits. Mental Management Through Perception […]